A: Veröffentlichte Originalarbeiten in internationalen „peer-reviewed“ Journals
(bitte grau unterlegte Artikel anklicken; Originalartikel oder Abstract vorhanden)
30) Niggemann P, Simons P, Kuchta J, Beyer HK, Frey H, Grosskurt D:
Spondylolisthesis and posterior instability
Acta Radiol. 2009 Apr;50(3):301-5.
29) Kuchta J, Sobottke R, Simons P, Eysel P:
Two-year Results of Interspinous Spacer (x-stop) Implantation in 175 Patients with Neurologic Claudation due to lumbal Spinal Stenosis
European Spine Journal, 2009 Jun; 18(6):832-9
28) Kuchta J, Wedekind C, Ernestus RI, Klug N:
The Hour-Glass Modell of Corpus Callosum Injury
Central European Neurosurgery 2009; 70(3) :125-9
27) Sobottke R, Schlüter-Brust K, Kaulhausen T, Röllinghoff M, Joswig B, Stützer H, Eysel P, Simons P, Kuchta J:
Interspinous Implants (x-stop, wallis, diam) for the Treatment of LSS. Is there a correlation between Readiological Parameters and clinical outcome?
European Spine Journal 2009 Jun 27;
26) Kuchta J, Klug N:
Nonconvulsive Status Epilecticus as a possible Cause of Coma in Neurosurgical Intensive Care
Central European Neurosurgery 2009; 70:1-4
25) Kuchta J, Simons P:
Spinal Neurosurgery with the Head-Monted „Varioscope“ Microscope
Cen Eur Neurosurgery, 2009 May;70(2):98-100
23) Kuchta J:
Neuroprosthetic Hearing with Auditory Brainstem Implants
Biomed Tech 2004; Apr 49(4): 83-7
20) Kuchta J, Reuter B, Kurthen M, Köhler W, Linke DB:
Magnetstimulation der sprachassozierten Zentren des Gehirns
(Magnetic Stimulation of the Speech-Associated Areas of the Brain)
Clin Neurophys (Z. EEG-EMG) 1997; 8:164-166
18) Molcanyi M, Riess P, Haj-Yasein N, Bentz K, Loehr M, Kuchta J, Zivcak J, Stenzel W, Miletic H, Hescheler J, Neugebauer E, Ernestus RI, Schäfer U:
Developmental Potential of the Murine Embryonic Stem Cells transplanted into the Healthy Rat Brain-Novel Insight into Tumorrgenesis
Cell Physiol Biochem 2009; 24 in print
17) Niggemann P, Simons P, Kuchta J, Beyer HK, Frey H, Grosskurth D:
Spondylolisthesis and Posterior Instability
Acta Radiol 2009; Apr 50(3): 301-5
16) Lippert-Gruner M, Kuchta J, Hellmich M, Klug N:
Neurobehavioural Deficits after Severe Traumatic Brain injury (TBI)
Brain Injury 2006; Jun 20(6): 569-74
15) Elter T, Sieniawski M, Grossmann A, Wickenhauser C, Schröder U, Seifert H, Kuchta J, Burhenne J, Riedel KD, Fätkenheuer G, Cornely OA:
Variconazole Brain Tissue Levels in Rhinocerebral Aspergillosis in a successfully treated young Woman
Int J Antimicrob Agents 2006; Sept 28(3): 262-5
11) Dieckmann M, Kuchta J, Benini A, Vardar U:
Hemiballism due to Contralateral Speniod Rigde Meningeoma
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 1998; 5(3): 350-353
9) Kuchta J:
Brain Anatomy and Physiology (Grundlagen der Hirnanatomie und Physiologie)
In: Textbook for Philosophy 2002; Henke et al Eds., Cornelsen: 221-230
ISBN 3-464-64706-4
8) Kuchta J, Koulousakis A, Weber M, Klug N, Bayarassou A:
Chronic Application of Morphine and its Metabolites in Spinal Fluid and Serum
In: “The pain clinic” 1996: Monduzzi Editore, Bolognia, Italy: 271-274
ISBN: 978-88-3231-002-3
7)Koulousakis A, Kuchta J, Weber M, Sturm V:
Intrathecal Opioid/ Baclofen Combination Therapy for Chronic Intractable Pain
In: „The pain clinic“ 1996; Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy: 265-268
ISBN: 978-88-3231-002-3
6) Kuchta J, Koulousakis A, Sturm V:
Neurosurgical Pain Therapy with Epidural Stimulation (SCS)
Acta Neurochirurgica 2007; Suppl 97: 24-28
5) Kuchta J, Koulousakis A, Sturm V:
Intrathecal Opiods for Intractable Pain
Acta Neurochirurgica 2007; Suppl 97: 60-66
4) Kuchta J:
25 Years Auditory Brainstem Implantation (ABI): Perspectives
Acta Neurochirurgica 2007; Supplement 97: 75-84
2) Koulousakis A, Kuchta J:
Intrathecal Antispastic Drug Application with Implantable Pumps
Acta Neurochirurgica 2007; Suppl 97: 56-60
1) Otto SR, Waring MD, Kuchta J:
Neural Response Telemetry and Auditory/ Nonauditory Sensations in 15 Recipients of Auditory Brainstem Implants
J Am Acad Audiol 2005;16: 219-227
D.: Übersichtsarbeiten („Reviews“) und Falldarstellungen („Case Reports“)
in internationalen „peer-reviewed“ Journals
19) Kuchta J, Klug N:
Multiple cranial gunshot injuries without skull penetration
J Forensic Leg Med 2009; Apr16(3): 159-61. Epub ahead of print
18) Kuchta J, Simons:
Cervical Disk Replacement- an Alternative to Fusion
Orthopädie und Rheuma 2008; Januar (1): 35- 40
17) Kuchta J, Behr R, Impekoven P, Klug N:
Progredient Paraparesis due to an AV-Fistula of the filum Terminale
Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 2000: 61(11); 254-5
(impact factor: 1,080)
16) Kuchta J, Wedekind C, Pakos P, Fischbach R, Klug N:
Clinical Significance of Traumatic Lesions in the Corpus Callosum
Acta Neurochirurgica 2000;142: 953-966
(impact factor: 1,080)
15) Kuchta J, Wedekind C, Pakos P, Fischbach P, Klug N:
Cinical Significance of Traumatic Lesions in the Corpus Callosum
Proceedings of the 4th Congress, Euracademy of Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology
February 2-4, 1999, Tenerife, Spain
14) Kuchta J, Wedekind C, Klug N, Moller AA, Jannetta JP:
Delayed Hearing Loss as a Complication of CPA Surgery
In: “Acoustic Neurinomas and other CPA tumors” 1999;
Monduzzi Editiore, Bologna, Italy: 941-947
13) Kuchta J, Klug N:
Conscious Processes in Coma?
Proceedings of the 4th Congress, Euracademy of Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology
February 2-4, 1999, Tenerife, Spain
12) Kuchta J, Klug N:
The Hourglass Model of Corpus Callosum Injury
Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 1998; 59: 189-234
(impact factor: 1,096)
11) Kuchta J, Klug N:
Attributing Consciousness
Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 1998; 59: 221-223
(impact factor: 1,096)
10) Kuchta J:
Bradycardia and Asystole in Thermocoagulation of the Trigeminal Ganglion
Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 1998; 59, 223-4
(impact factor: 1,096)
9) Lippert-Grüner M, Kuchta J, Terhaag D:
Art Therapy in Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
in: Hütter, Gilsbach (eds.): Neuropsychology in Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Neurology, Proceedings of the 1st Aachen Conference 1997, Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung
8) Schwarze HP, Loche F, Lamant L, Kuchta J, Bazex J:
Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma induced b Multiple Radiation Therapy
International Journal of Dermatology 2000; 39(5): 367-72
(impact factor: 1,149)
7) Schwarze HP, Loche F, Kuchta J, Basex J:
Invasive Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Associated with Actinic Keratosis:
A Case with Orbital Invasion and Meningeal Infiltration
J Dermatol Surg 1999; Jul 25(7): 587-9
(impact factor: 2,309)
6) Schwarze HP, Loche F, Gorguet MC, Kuchta J, Bazex J:
Basal Cell Carcinoma Associated with Chronic Venous Leg Ulcer
Int J Dermatol 2000; Jan 39(1): 78-9
(impact factor: 1,149)
5) Schwarze HP, Loche F, Kuchta J, Bazex J:
Patient Information Sheet used at St. Johns‘s Insititute of Dermatology:
Hydroxyurea (Hydrea) Imformation Leaflet
Clin Exp Dermatol 1999; Nov 24(6): 496-8
(impact factor: 2,137)
4) Schwarze HP, Loche F, Kuchta J, Basex J:
Hypertrichosis Cubiti
Clin Exp Dermatol 1999; Nov 24(6): 497-8
3) Klug N, Ebel M, Pakos P, Kuchta J, Wedekind C:
Predicting Neuropsychological Outcome in Severe Head Injury by MRI and Electrophysiological Investigations
Acta Neurochirurgica 2000;14:953-966
(impact factor: 1,080)
2) Lippert-Grüner M, Rehaag T, Kuchta J, Terhaag D:
Intensified Neuromonitoring on Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
Anesthesia 1998; Vol 1, No 1, 265-6
(impact factor: 2,033)
1) Lippert-Grüner M, Novakova M, Kuchta J, Terhaag D:
Art Therapy – A New Part in the Concept of Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
In: „Grey matters/ White matters, The art project for CIS 97“ for: Computer in the areas of integrated head and spine surgery 1997, September 1-7, 1997, Design Center Linz, Austria
E: Vorträge
38) Kuchta J:
Bewegungserhaltende Operationen an der Halswirbelsäule
2. Bitburger Neurochirurgen- Symposium
09.Mai 2009, Marienhausklinik Bitburg
37) Kuchta J:
Spinal Microsurgery
University of Cologne, Sommersemester 09, Interdisciplinary Lectures, Medizinische Fakultät
36) Kuchta J, Simons P:
Long-Term Results of Intersious Spacer (x-stop) Implantation in 175 Patients with Neurologic Claudation due to Lumbal Spinal Stenosis
AANS, July 23-26, 2008, Spine Conference, Toronto, Canada
35) Kuchta J:
Pitfalls in HWS-Surgery
Synthes Symposium, Disc Replacement Symposium
16. Feb 2008, Bonn
34) Kuchta J, Simons P:
„Soft“ or „Hard“ Implants? Results of a Single-Center Study with 312 Interspinous Implants in 291 Patients (x-stop, wallis, diam, coflex)
2. Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society, December 13-15th, 2007, Mannheim
34) Kuchta J:
Upright-MRT: Diagnostische Möglichkeiten und ihre therapeutischen Konsequenzen bei Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen
MRT- Symposium, 14. September 2007, Köln, Upright-MRT Center Cologne
33) Kuchta J:
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Bandscheibenprothetik
Interdisziplinäres Wirbelsäulensymposium, MediaPark Klinik Köln
20 Juni 2007, Köln
32) Kuchta J, Brackmann D, Hitselberger W:
Speech Perception and the Number of Spectral Channels in Auditory Brainstem Implants
Fourth International Conference on Vestibular Schwannomas and other CPA Lesions, July 15-17, 2003, Cambridge, GB
31) Kuchta J, Brackmann D, Hitselberger W:
Perceptual Performance with Auditory Brainstem Implants after Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Fourth International Conference on Vestibular Schwannomas and other CPA Lesions, July 15-17, 2003, Cambridge, GB
30) Kuchta J, Brackmann D, Hitselberger W:
Side Effects of CPA Stimulation with Auditory Brainstem Implants
Fourth International Conference on Vestibular Schwannomas and other CPA Lesions, July 15-17, 2003, Cambridge, GB
29) Kuchta J, Otto S, Waring M, Brackmann D:
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring with Compound Action Potentials in Auditory Brainstem Implants
Fourth International Conference on Vestibular Schwannomas and other CPA Lesions, July 15-17, 2003, Cambridge, GB
28) Kuchta J, Otto S, Shannon RV:
Speech Perception with Auditory Brainstem Implants: The Importance of Spectral Cues
Fourth International Conference on Vestibular Schwannomas and other CPA Lesions, July 15-17, 2003, Cambridge, GB
27) Kuchta J, Otto S, Shannon R, Hitselberger W, Klug N:
Postoperative Position of the Ausditory Brainstem Implant (ABI) in 58 Patients in Relation to Functional Outcome
54. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, May 27th, 2003
Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrücken
26) Kuchta J, Otto S, Klug N, Behr R, Shannon R:
Restoration of Hearing with Auditory Brainstem Implants: How Important is the Pitch Perception?
54. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, May 27th, 2003
Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrücken
25) Kuchta J:
Auditory Brainstem Implants: Trends and Perspectives
Workshop Funktionelle Stimulation
54. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, May 27th, 2003
Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrücken.
24) Kuchta J:
Multichannel Auditory Implants: An Update on Performance
Wullstein-Symposium, April 3-4, 2003, Auditory Brainstem Implant Workshop, Würzburg
23) Kuchta J:
Long-Term Results of Neuroprosthetic Stimulation with Auditory Brainstem Implants
ADANO, March 26-29, 2003, Annual Meeting of the German Society of Audiology, Würzburg
22) Kuchta J, Hitselberger W:
The Auditory Brainstem Implant
25 years Madjid Samii, June 21th, 2002, Neurosurgery in Hannover (invited speech) Neurosurgical Symposium, Hannover
21) Kuchta J, Otto S, Waring M, Shannon R, Hitselberger W:
Intraoperative Neural Response Telemetry (NRT) In Auditory Brainstem Implants (ABI)
53th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, June 2-5, 2002, Halle
20) Kuchta J, Otto S, Shannon R, Brackmann D, Hitselberger W, Behr R, Klug N:
Complications and Side-Effects of Chochlear Nucleus Stimulation with Auditory Brainstem Implants
53th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, June 2-5, 2002, Halle
19) Kuchta J, Otto SR, Shannon RV:
Auditory Brainstem Implants: Hoe Many Electrodes make Sense?
53th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, June 2-5, 2002, Halle
18) Kuchta J, Otto S, Shannon R, Wedekind C, Brackmann D:
Facial Nerve Side-Effects (Fase) in Auditory Brainstem Implants
9th International Facial nerve symposium, July 29-August 1, 2001, San Francisco, USA
17) Kuchta J, Behr R, Walger , Michel O, Stennert, Klug N:
Rehablitation of Hearing and Communication Functions in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Typ 2
Presentation at the 1st Conference on Neurosurgical Rehabilitation, Juli 30-August 2, 2000
WFNS, Medicine meets Millennium, EXPO 2000 Hannover
16) Kuchta J, Wedekind C, Pakos P, Fischbach R, Klug K:
Clinical Significance of Traumatic Lesions in the Corpus Callosum
4th Congress of the Euoacademia Multidisciplinaria Neuro- Traumatologica
February 2th-4th, 1999, Tenerife, Spain
15) Kuchta J, Maarouf M, Klug N, Sturm V:
Radiosurgery: A New Therapeutic Option for Communicating Hydrocephalus?
German Society of Neurosurgeons, March 15-16, 1999, Meeting on Intracranial Pressure,
Edema and Brain Perfusion, Homburg/Saar
14) Kuchta J, Klug N:
Conscious Processes in Coma?
4th Congress of the Euracademia Multidisciplinaria Neurotraumatologica, February 2th-4th, 1999,
Tenerife, Spain
13) Kuchta J, Lippert-Grüner M, Terhaag D, Klug N:
Intensiviertes Neuromonitoring nach schwerem Schädel-Hirn Trauma
Intensified Neuromonitoring after Severe Brain Trauma
165. Annual meeting of the Society of Surgeons of Northrhine Westfalia,
September 26, 1998, University of Bonn
12) Kuchta J, Lippert-Grüner M, Terhaag D:
Multimodal Senso-Motoric Stimulation in Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
29th Annual General Meeting of the European Brain and Behaviour Society,
September 15-18, 1997, Tutzing
11) Behr R, Kuchta J, Burger R, Warmuth-Metz S:
Long-Term Clinical Results after Lumbar Discectomy in Patients treated with Interlaminar Flavum Plasty – A Pilot Study
52th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, June 2-5, 2002, Bielefeld
10) Behr R, Burger R, Kuchta J, Warmuth-Metz S:
Epidural Scar Formation after Lumbar Discectomy is reduced by Interlaminar Flavum Plasty- Radiological Evidence
52th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, June 2-5, 2002, Bielefeld
9) Klug N, Ebel M, Pakos P, Kuchta J, Wedekind C:
Predicting Neuropsychological Outcome in Severe Head Injury by MRI and Electrophysiological Investigations
4th Congress of the Euroacademia Multidisciplinaria Neuro-Traumatologica,
February 2th-4th, 1999, Tenerife, Spain
8) Lippert-Grüner M, Terhaag D, Kuchta J:
Multimodale Frühstimulation nach Schädel-Hirn Trauma
(Multimodal Early-Onset Stimulation after Head Trauma)
Annual meeting of the Neurohabilitation Group, January 24-25, 1998,
German Society of Neurosurgeons DGNC, Hattingen
7) Lippert-Grüner M, Kuchta J, Terhaag D:
Art Therapy in Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
1st Aachen Conference of: Neuropsychology in Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Neurology, 12-14.12, 1997, Aachen
6) Lippert-Grüner M, Novakova M, Kuchta J, Terhaag D:
Art Therapy – A New Part in the Concept Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
1th International Congress on: Computer in the areas of integrated head and spine surgery, September 1-7, 1997, Linz, Austria
5) Lippert-Grüner M, Rehaag T, Kuchta J, Terhaag D:
Intensified Neuromonitoring in Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
EURO-NEURO 1997, European Congress of the Neurological Societies, Gent, Belgium
4) Koulousakis A, Weber M, Kuchta J:
10 Years Experience with Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy
INS, 3th International Congress of Neurosurgeons, March 6-10, 1996, Orlando, Florida, USA
3) Bayarassou A, Theisson M, Kuchta J, Koulousakis A:
Chronic Intrathecal Application of Morphine: Concentrations of Morphine and its Glucuronides in Spinal Fluid and Serum of Patients
Annual meeting of the German Society of Pharmacology, April 3-5,1996, Mainz
2) Voges J, Treuer H, Sturm V, Büchner C, Lehrke R, Kocher M, Staar S, Kuchta J, Müller R:
Risk Analysis of Linac Radiosurgery (Linac-RS)
2nd Congress of the International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society (ISRS),
June 16-17, 1995, Havard-University, Boston, U.S.A.
1) Koulousakis A, Kuchta J, Weber M, Sturm V:
Ergebnisse der intrathekalen Baclofentherapie
(Results of Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy)
Annual meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgeons, April 2-5, 1995, Ulm
F.: Kongressposter Präsentationen
21) Kuchta J, Simons P:
Kryotherapy of Lumbar Facet Joints in 157 Patients with Chronic Back Pain
2. Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society, December 13-15th, 2007, Mannheim
20) Kuchta J, Simons P:
Long-Term Results of Interspinous Spacer Implantation (x-stop) in 175 Patients with Neurologic Claudication due to Lumbal Stenosis
2. Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society, December 13-15th, 2007, Mannheim
19) Kuchta J, Klug N:
Nonconvulsive Status Epilecticus as a Possible Cause of Coma in Neurosurgical Intensive Care
54. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, May 27th, 2003,
Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrücken
18) Kuchta J, Shannon R, Hitselberger W, Behr R, Klug N, Samii M, Lenarz T, Lenartz M:
Restauration of Hearing with Auditory Brainstem Implants after Stereotactic Radiosurgery
54. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, May 27th, 2003,
Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrücken
17) Kuchta J, Otto S, Hitselberger W, Shannon R, Klug N:
Negative Correlation between the Size of the Lateral Recess and Perceptual Performance in Auditory Brainstem Implants
54. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, May 27th, 2003,
Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrücken
16) Kuchta J, Hitselberger W, Walluch V, Lo W, Brackmann D, Shannon R:
Implantation and MRI-Imaging of a Prototype Penetrating Cochlear Nucleus Auditory Brainstem Implant in Human Cadaver Heads
54. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, May 27th, 2003,
Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrücken
15) Kuchta J, Otto S, Shannon R:
Auditory Brainstem Implants: How Many Electrodes make Sense?
53th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgeons, June 2-5, 2002, Halle
14) Kuchta J, Otto S, Shannnon R:
The Number of Electrodes and Perceptual Performance in Auditory Brainstem Implants Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses 2001, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A.
13) Kuchta J, Otto S, Shannnon R:
Pitch Perception and Perceptual Performance in Auditory Brainstem Implants
Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses 2001, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A.
12) Kuchta J, Shannon R, Hitselberger W, Behr R, Klug N, Lenarz T, Moshrefi M:
Results of Auditory Brainstem Implantation after Previous Radiosurgery
51th Conference of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) 2001, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
11) Kuchta J, Behr R, Shannon R, Klug N:
Auditory Brainstem Implantations in Germany and Poland
51th Conference of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) 2001, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
10) Kuchta J, Behr R, Klug N:
Progredient Paraparesis due to an AV-Fistula of the Filum Terminale (Progrediente Paraparese aufgrund einer AV-Fistel des Filum Terminale)
51th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, September 13-16, 2000, Lübeck
9) Kuchta J:
Bradycardia and Asystole in Thermocoagulation of the Trigeminal Ganglion
Poster: 49th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, June 12-16, 1998, Hannover
8) Kuchta J, Klug N:
The „Other Mind“ Problem in Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
1th Conference on Neurosurgical Rehabilitation, Juli 30-August 2, 2000,
WFNS, Medicine meets Millennium, EXPO 2000 Hannover, Juli 30-August 2, 2000
7) Kuchta J, Wedekind C, Klug N, Moller AA, Jannetta PJ:
Delayed Hearing Loss as a Complication of CPA Surgery
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinomas and other CPA Tumors,
June 12-17, 1999, Rome, Italy
6) Kuchta J:
Bradycardia and Asystole in Thermocoagulation of the Trigeminal Ganglion
49th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, Biology and Technology in Neurosurgery,
June 12-16, 1998, Hannover
5) Kuchta J, Klug N:
Attributing Consciousness
European Neurotrauma Meeting, October 1-3, 1998, Magdeburg
4) Kuchta J, Terhaag D, Klug N:
The Hourglass Model of Corpus Callosum Injury
European Neurotrauma Meeting, October 1-3, 1998, Magdeburg
3) Niggemann P, Kuchta J, Grosskurth D, Schulze T, Simons P, Beyer HK:
Upright MRT zur Evaluation von Spondylolyse und Spondylolisthese
Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress, 27.-29. November 2008, Ulm
2) Lippert-Grüner M, Kuchta J, Ernestus RI, Klug N:
Long-Term Neuromonitoring in Rehabilitation of Posttraumatic Vegetative State
1th Conference on Neurosurgical Rehabilitation, Juli 30-August 2, 2000,
WFNS, Medicine meets Millennium, EXPO 2000 Hannover
1) Lippert-Grüner M, Rehaag T, Kuchta J, Terhaag D:
Neuromonitoring in Neurosurgical Rehabilitation
EURO-NEURO 1998, First International Update on Neuroanaesthesia and Neuro Intensive Care,
February 5-7, 1998, Genk, Belgium
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